Mesane Kanseri, Karaciğer Kanseri (Karaciğer Tümörü), Safra Kesesi Kanseri
“Net açıklamalar nazik yaklaşım ve detaylı incelemeleri ile güvenli bir alanda olmsktan memnuniyet du...” Devamı
Prof. Dr. Serdar Turhal, lisans öncesi öğrenimlerinin ardından İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi'nde başladığı tıp eğitimini başarıyla tamamlayarak tıp doktoru unvanı almıştır. İhtisasını ise, Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde Connecticut eyaletindeki Yale Üniversitesi’ne bağlı Griffin Hastanesi’nde 1993 yılında tamamlayarak Dahiliye - İç Hastalıkları uzmanı olmuştur. Ayrıca Mount Sinai Tıp Fakültesi Hematoloji – Onkoloji Bilim
Dalı Mount Sinai Tıp Fakültesi, New York, New York, ABD'de Tıbbi Onkoloji üzerine yan dal ihtisas eğitimini de tamamlamıştır.
Marmara Üniversite Hastanesi Onkoloji Bilim Dalı'nda öğretim üyesi olarak görev yapmış olan Prof. Dr. Serdar Turhal, mesleki çalışmalarına şu an İstanbul'da bulunan özel muayenehanesi'nde devam etmektedir.
Board Sertifikaları:
ECFMG: April 1989 428514-4
FLEX: June 1990 640405501
Internal Medicine (USA): November 1996 158365
Oncology (USA): November 1997 158365
Renewed November 2027 158365
Internal Medicine (Turkish) October 1996 42248-46399
Oncology (Turkish) August 1997 43335-46399
Oncology ESMO January 2028
Uluslararası: Turhal N, Sullivan MB, Blakemore WS. Thyroglossal Duct Cyst. South Med J, 1990, 83:8, 983-4. Turhal N, DeLuca VA Jr. Ulcerative Colitis and Scleroderma. A coincidental relationship. J Clin Gastroenterol. 1994, 18:3, 218-9. Turhal NS, Henehan MD, Kaplan KL. Multiple myeloma: a patient with unusual features including intracranial and meningeal involvement, testicular involvement, organomegaly, and plasma cell leukemia. Am J Hematol 1998, 57:1, 51-56. Turhal NS. Cyclosporin A and Imipenem Associated Seizure Activity in Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation Patients. Journal of Chemotherapy 1999 11(5): 410-413. Turhal NS, Erdal S, Karacay S. Efficacy of the Treatment to Relieve Mucositis Induced Discomfort. Supportive Care in Cancer 2000 8(1): 55-58. Turhal NS. Pancreatic Duct Cell Carcinoma with Positive In-111 Octreotide Uptake. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 2000 19(2): 241-244. Turhal NS. Sumatriptan overdose in episodic cluster headache: a case report of overuse without event. Cephalalgia. 2001 21:700. Turhal NS, Rand J. Antiphospholipid syndrome in HIV infection - Report of four cases and review of literature. Allergy & Clinical Immunology International 2001 13(6):1-4. Duman D, Turhal NS, Duman DG, M.D. Fatal Aplastic Anemia during Treatment with Ketoconazole. American Journal of Medicine 2001, 111:9 Turhal NS. Two cases of advanced renal cell cancer with prolonged survival of 8 and 12 years. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2002 32(4): 152-153 Turhal NS, Gumus M, Atalay G, Aliustaoglu M, Kabakas F, Karamanoglu A, Sengoz M. Outpatient cancer care in a Turkish university hospital. Journal of BUON 2002 7(4): 397-398. Turhal NS, Efe B, Gumus M, Aliustaoglu M, Karamanoglu A, Sengoz M. Patient satisfaction in the outpatients` chemotherapy unit of Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey: a staff survey. BMC Cancer 2002 2(1): 30-33. Turhal NS, Aliustaoglu M, Gurses I, Gumus M, Atalay G, Karamanoglu A, Sengoz M. Neoplastic diseases prevalence in a Turkish university hospital. Journal of BUON 2003 8(1): 45-48. Karamanoglu A, Yumuk PF, Gumus M, Aliustaoglu M, Selimen D, Sengoz M, Turhal NS. Port needles: Do they need to be removed as frequently in infusional chemotherapy? Journal of Infusional Nursing 2003 26(4):239-242. Abacıoglu U, Sengoz M, Yumuk F, Salepci T, Turhal NS. Cisplatin and etoposide in extra pulmonary small cell cancer. Tumori 2003 89(3): 274-277. Yumuk PF, Abacioglu U, Caglar H, Gumus M, Sengoz M, Turhal NS. Outcome of rectum and sigmoid carcinoma patients receiving adjuvant chemoradiotherapy in Marmara University Hospital. J Chemother 15 (6): 603-606, 2003. Turhal NS, Dane F, Dede F, Gumus M, Yumuk PF, Cakalagaoglu F, Savcı D, Karaman M, Gulluoglu B, Turoglu HT. 99m-Tc-MDP Scintimammography to assess angiogenesis in patients with untreated breast cancer. Anticancer Research. 24:1999-2006 (2004) Yumuk PF, Gumus M, Ekenel M, Basaran G, Aliustaoglu M, Topal A, Turhal NS, N. Attitude Toward Genetic Testing in Turkish Society. Genetic Testing 8(2):169-173, 2004 Yumuk PF, Aydin SZ, Dane F, Gumus M, Ekenel M, Aliustaoglu M, Karamanoglu A, Sengoz M, Turhal NS. The absence of early diarrhea with atropine premedication during irinotecan therapy in metastatic colorectal patients. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 19: 609-610, 2004. Bolukbas FF, Kılıc H, Bolukbas C, Gumus M, Horoz M, Turhal NS, Kavalı B. Serum leptin concentration and advanced gastrointestinal cancers: a case controlled study. BMC Cancer 2004, 4:29-32. Yumuk PF, Abacioglu U, Demir G, Cabuk D, Dane F, Gumus M, Ozguroglu M, Ekenel M, Basaran G, Turhal NS. Does the Incidence of Anal Canal Cancers Differ in Moslem Societies? International Journal of Colorectal Disease, Clinical and Molecular Gastroenterology and Surgery. 20(1), 76 2004. Aliustaoglu M, Yumuk PF,Gumus M, Ekenel M, Bolukbas F, Mutlu N, Basaran G, Avsar E, Turhal NS. D-Dimer—Can it be a marker for malignant gastric lesions. Acta Oncologica, 2004 Dec 43(8) 770-771. Blazeby JM, Conroy T, Bottomley A, Vickery C, Arraras J, Sezer O, Moore J, Koller M, Turhal NS, Stuart R, Van Cutsem E, D’Haese S, Coens C. Clinical and Psychometric validation of a questionnaire module, The EORTC QLQ-STO 22, to assess quality of life in patients with gastric cancer. Eur J Cancer, 2004 Oct 40(15): 2260-8 Gumus M, Yumuk PF, Atalay G, Aliustaoglu M, Macunluoglu B, Dane F, Caglar H, Sengoz M, Turhal S. What should be the optimal number of lymph nodes dissected in colorectal Cancer surgery? Tumori, 172/03. 11 2004. Yumuk PF, Turhal NS, Gumus M, Hatabay NF, Turken O, Ozkan A, Salepci T, Aliustaoglu M, Ahiskali R, “Results of paclitaxel (day 1 and 8) and Carboplatin given on every three weeks in advanced (stage III-IV) non-small cell lung Cancer”, BMC Cancer, (MS:7372801141679098), 2005 March, 21 Abacioğlu U, Yumuk PF, Caglar H, Sengoz M, Turhal NS, “Concurrent chemoradiotherapy with low dose weekly Gemcitabine in stage III non-small cell lung cancer.” BMC Cancer. 2005 Jul, 6;5:71 Yumuk PF, Turhal NS, Gumus M, Hatabay NF, Turken O, Ozkan A, Salepci T, Aliustaoglu M, Ahiskali R. Results of Paclitaxel (day 1 and 8) and carboplatingiven on every three weeks in advanced (stage III-IV) non-small cell lung cancer. BMC Cancer. 2005 Jan 25;5:10. Yumuk PF, Abacioglu U, Demir G, Cabuk D, Dane F, Gumus M, Ozguroglu M, Ekenel M, Basaran G, Turhal NS, Does the incidence of anal canal cancers differ in Moslem societes? International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2005 20:76 Turhal NS, Popov I. Colorectal cancer care in the Balkan countries. Journal of Balkan Union of Oncology Volume 10 No: 2, April-June 2005 189-193 Gumus M, Yumuk PF, Atalay G, Aliustaoglu M, Macunluoglu B, Dane F, Caglar H, Sengoz M, Turhal NS, What is the optimal number of lymph nodes to be dissected in colorectal cancer surgery? Tumori. 2005 Mar-Apr;91(2): 168-72 Abacioglu U, Yumuk PF, Caglar H, Sengoz M, Turhal NS, Concurrent chemoradiotherapy with low dose weekly gemcitabine in stage III non-small cell lung cancer. BMC Cancer, 2005 Jul 6;5:71 Onol FF, Tanidir Y, Kotiloglu E, Bayramicli M, Turhal NS, Turkeri LN. “Proximal type epithelioid sarcoma of the scrotum: a source of diagnostic confusion that needs immediate attention.” Eur Urol. 2006 Feb; 49(2):7. Epub 2005 Nov 7. Turhal NS, Popov IP. “Colorectal cancer care in the Balkan countries.” J BUON 2005 Apr-Jun;10(2):189-93 Onol FF, Tanidir Y, Kotiloglu E, Bayramicli M, Turhal NS, Turkeri LN. “Proximal type epithelioid sarcoma of the scrotum: a source of diagnostic confusion that needs immediate attention: Part 2.” Eur Urol 2006 Mar 49(3):578-80. Gumus M, Yumuk PF, Salepci T, Aliustaoglu M, Dane F, Ekenel M, Basaran G, Kaya H, Barisik N, Turhal NS. “HPV DNA frequency and subset analysis in human breast cancer patients normal and tumoral tissue samples.” J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2006 Dec;25(4):515-21. Onol FF, Tandr Y, Kotiloglu E, Bayramicli M, Turhal NS, Turkeri LN. Proximal type epithelioid sarcoma of the scrotum: a source of diagnostic confusion that needs immediate attention. Part 1: Eur Urol 2006 Feb;49(2): 406-7 Onol FF, Tandr Y, Kotiloglu E, Bayramicli M, Turhal NS, Turkeri LN. Proximal type epithelioid sarcoma of the scrotum: a source of diagnostic confusion that needs immediate attention. Part 2: Eur Urol. 2006 Mar; 49(3):578-80. Gumus M, Yumuk PF, Salepci T, Aliustaoglu M, Dane F, Ekenel M, Basaran G, Kaya H, Barisik N, Turhal NS. HPV DNA frequency and subset analysis in human breast cancer patients normal and tumoral tissue samples. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research, December 2006, 515-521 Komurcu S, Turhal NS, Altundag K, Atahan L, Turna HS, Manavoglu O, Yavuz AA, Ozkok S, Aliustaoglu M, Altinbas M, Pak Y, Cooper R, Yaylaci M, Demirkan B, Sarihan S, Ozdemir F. “Safety and efficacy of transdermal fentanyl in patients with cancer pain: phase IV, Turkish Oncology group trial.” Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2007 Jan; 16(1):67-73 Atasoy BM, Abacioglu U, Dane F, Ozgen Z, Yumuk PF, Ozden S, Akgun Z, Mayadagli A, Basaran G, Turhal NS, Sengoz M. “Concomitant administration of uracil-tegafur and leucovorin during adjuvant radiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer.” J BUON. 2007 Apr-Jun;12(2):203-8. Celikel C, Eren F, Gulluoglu B, Bekiroglu N, Turhal NS. “Relation of neuroendocrine cells to transforming growth factor-alpha and epidermal growth factor receptor expression in gastric adenocarcinomas: prognostic implications.” Pathol Oncol Res. 2007:13(3):215-26. Epub 2007 Oct 7. Cabuk D, Basaran G, Celikel C, Dane F, Yumuk PF, Iyikesici MS, Ekenel M, Turhal NS. “Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 Alpha and CD34 Expressions in Early-Stage Gastric Tumors: Relationship with Pathological Factors and Prognostic Impact on Survival.” Oncology. 2007 Nov 15;72(1-2):111-117. Atasoy BM, Abacioglu U, Dane F, Ozgen Z, Yumuk PF, Ozden S, Akgun Z, Mayadagli A, Basaran G, Turhal NS, Sengoz M. Concomitant administration of uracil-tegafur and leucovorin during adjuvant radiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer. Journal of BUON 12: 203-208, 2007 Yumuk PF, Dane F, Yumuk VD, Yazici D, Ege B, Bekiroglu N, Toprak A, Iyikesici S, Basaran G, Turhal NS.Impact of body mass index on cancer development. J BUON. 2008 Jan-Mar;13(1):55-59 Atasoy BM, Dane F, Yumuk PF, Akgün Z, Turhal NS, Abacioğlu U, Sengöz M. Toxicity and feasibility analysis for cisplatin-based concomitant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma. J BUON. 2008 Jan-Mar;13(1):43-50. Koldas M, Gumus M, Seker M, Seval H, Huyla K, Dane F, Kural A, Gumus A, Salepci T. and NS Turhal, ”Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor levels in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer,” Clin Lung Cancer., 9(2), 112-115 (2008). Ustaalioglu BB, Gumus M, Bilici A, Seker M, Dane F, Salepci T, S alman T, Aliustaoglu M, Gezen C, Yaylaci M, Turhal NS, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced breast cancer: a single center experience. Med. Oncol, 2009 Jun 2. Kefeli U, Dane F, Yumu k PF, Karamanoglu A, Iyikesici M, Basaran G, Turhal NS, Prolonged interval in prophylactic heparin flushing for maintenance of subcutaneous implanted port care in patients with cancer. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl), 2009 Mar; 18(2), 191-4. Kuscu MK, Dural U, Onen P, Yasa Y, Yayla M, Basaran G, Turhal NS, Bekiroglu N. The association between individual attachment patterns, the perceived social support, and the psychological well-being of Turkish informal caregivers. Psychooncology, 2009 Jan 12. Dane F, Ozturk MA, Tecimer T, Atasoy BM, Cabuk D, Yumuk PF, Basaran G, Teomete M, Turhal NS. A case of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease misdiagnosed as Hodgkin’s lymphoma: The importance of second opinion. J BUON, 2009 Apr-Jun;14(2):309-11. Kefeli U, Dane F., Yumuk PF, Karamanoglu A, Iyikesici S, Basaran G, and NS Turhal, “Prolonged inerval in prophylactic heparin flushing for maintenance of subcutaneous implanted port care in patients with cancer,” Eur J Cancer Care (Engl), 18(2), 191-194 (2009). Dane F, Ozturk MA, Tecimer T, Atasoy BM, Cabuk D, Yumuk PF, Basaran G, Teomete M, and NS Turhal, “A case of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease misdiagnosed as Hodgkin’s lymphoma: the importance of second opinion,” J BUON, (2009). [basımda] Gumus M, Basak O, Ustaalioglu MG, Kiziltan E, Bilici A, Seker M, Erkol B, Salepci T, Mayadagli A, Turhal NS. Factors that Affect Patients’ Decision-Making about Mastectomy or Breast Conserving Surgery, and the Psychological Effect of this Choice on Breast Cancer Patients. Breast Care 2010;5:164–168 Dane F, Yumuk PF, Başaran G, Gündüz F, Peker Ö, Turhal NS, A Case of Primary Breast Mantle Cell Lymphoma with Atypical Relapse Patterns and Rewiew of the Literature Journal of BUON Vol: 16 No: 2, 2010 Turhal NS, Bas E, Er O, Aliustaoglu M, Seber S, Dane F, Korkmaz T, Soyuer I, Ozkara S, Celikel C. ERCC1 is not expressed in hepatocellular cancer: A Turkish Oncology Group, Gastrointestinal Oncology Subgroup study. Journal of BUON 15: 794-796, 2010 Turhal NS. Dane F, Sınav H, Yalçın N, Khorshidi Z, Yalçın ZZ. Anxiety and depression in Turkish breast cancer patients. Journal of BUON 15: 720-725, 2010 Korkmaz T, Seber S, Turhal NS. Primary melanoma of the gallbladder. Letter 802 Basaran G, Cabuk D, Caglar HB, Gulluoglu B, Kaya H, Seber S, Korkmaz T, Telli F, Kocak M, Dane F, Yumuk PF, Turhal NS. Clinical outcome of breast cancer patients with N3a (≥10 positive lymph nodes) disease: has it changed over years? Med Oncol. 2010 Apr 14. [Epub ahead of print] DOI 10.1007/s12032-010-9516-1. Dane F, Ozturk MA, Gumus M, Guven A, Aliustaoğlu M, Cabuk D, Teomete M, Basaran G, Yumuk PF, Turhal NS. Effi cacy, safety and prognostic features of resected colon carcinoma treated in “real world” practice: a retrospective cohort-study. Journal of BUON 16: 257-264, 2011 Bilici A, Dane F, Seker M, Ustaalioglu BB, Aliustaoglu M, Temiz S, Gezen C, Yavuzer D, Aksu G, Mayadagli A, Gumus M, Uygun K, Turhal NS. Is Subdivision of pT2 Tumors Superior to Lymph Node Metastasis for Predicting Survival of Patients with Gastric Cancer? Review of 224 Patients from Four Centers. Digestive Diseases And Scienses DOI: 10.1007/s10620-011-1721-z 2011. Dane F, Akif Ozturk M, Gumus M, Guven A, Aliustaoglu M, Cabuk D, Teomete M, Basaran G, Fulden Yumuk P, Turhal NS. Efficacy, safety and prognostic features of resected colon carcinoma treated in "real world" practice: a retrospective cohort-study. J BUON. 2011 Apr-Jun;16(2):257-64. Basaran G, Devrim C, Caglar HB, Gulluoglu B, Kaya H,Seber S, Korkmaz T, Telli, Kocar M, Dane F, Turhal NS. Clinical outcome of breast cancer patients with N3a (≥10 positive lymph nodes) disease: has it changed over years? Medical Oncology: Volume 28, Issue 3 (2011), Page 726-732. Korkmaz T, Seber S, Basaran G, Yumuk PF, Dane F, Kocar M, Telli F, Turhal NS. 5-Flourouracil–Induced Encephalopathy in Parkinson’s disease. International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2011 vol: 21 Num 1 Page(s): 001-003 Abali H, Ata A, Ozdogan M, Turhal NS, Cabuk D, Seyrek E, Coskun HS, Arik Z, Erman M, Celik I. Frequency of comorbid illnesses in cancer patients in Turkey. Journal of BUON 16: 557-560, 2011. Turhal NS, Dane F, Butur S, Kocak M, Telli F, Seber S, Kanitez M, Aktas B, Yumuk PF. Efforts to Validate the Applicability of Established Chemotherapy Treatment in Turkish Cancer Patient. Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta. S14. 2011. Okutur K, Korkmaz T, Seber S, Dane F, İlhan M, Turnal NS, Demir G. Weekly Docetaxel, Cisplatin and 5-Flourouracil in the first-line treatment of metastatic gastric cancer. MOJ:1;35-40, 2011.
2.3.1. 67. Turhal NS. Daily life of a Turkish Medical Oncologist. J Oncol Pract 8:164-166, 2012 Korkmaz T, Seber S, Okutur K, Basaran G, Yumuk F, Dane F, Oney T, Polat O, Madenci O, Demir G, Turhal NS. Serum thymidine kinase 1 levels correlates with FDG uptake and prognosis in patients with non small cell lung cancer. Biomarkers, 2012; Early Online: 1–7 © 2012 Informa UK, Ltd. Turhal NS et al. The Association between Socio-Demographic Parameters and the Use of Complementary Interventions in Cancer Patients in Turkey A Turkish Oncology Group Study. Journal of Cancer Therapeutics and Research, ISSN: 2049-7962, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, 2012 Uncu D, Aksoy S, Cetin B, Yetisyigit T, Ozdemir N, Berk V, Dane F, İnal A, Harputluoglu H, Budakoglu B, Koca D, Sevinc A, Cihan Ş, Durnalı AG, Ozkan M, Oztürk M, Işıkdoğan A, Büyükberber S, Benekli M, Köş T, Alkış N, Karaca H, Turhal NS, Zengin N. Anatolian Society of Medical Oncology. Results of Adjuvant FOLFOX regimens in stage III. Colorectal Cancer Patients. Retrospective Analysis of 667 Patients. Oncology 2013.84:240–245 Korkmaz T, Seber S, Yavuzer D, Gumus M, Turhal NS. Primary renal carcinoid: Treatment and prognosis. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology-2013 ONCH-1712; No of pages 19. Artac M, Turhal NS, Kocer M, Karabulut B, Bozcuk H, Yalcin S, Karaagac M, Gunduz S, Isik N, Uygun K. Do high-risk features support the, use of adjuvant chemotherapy in stage II colon cancer? A Turkish Oncology Group study. Tumori, 100:143-148, 2014 Kani HT, Siykhmbayev A, Demircan N, Banzragch M, Gunes Yegin E, Bicakci Y, Aydin Y, Irmak R, Guney Duman D, Yumuk PF, Dane F, Turhal NS, Bekiroglu N, Ozdogan OC. Benefıcıal Effect of Multıdıscıplınary approach on Survıval ın Hepatocellular Carcınoma Patıents. Journal of Hepatology2014 vol 60. S215-S359, P577. Kocar M, Bozkurtlar E, Telli F, Turhal NS, Kaya H, Kocar H, Yumuk PF. PTEN loss is not associated with trastuzumab resistance in metastatic breast cancer. JBUON 2014; 19(4): 900-905. Yalcin S, Trad D, Yasser AK, Halawani H, Demir OG, Mall R, Meshcheryakov A, Nasr F, Nosworthy A, Osinsky D, Tumanova A, Turhal NS, Tejpar S, Köhne CH. Personalized treatment is beter than one treatment fits all in the management of patients with mCRC: a consensus statement. Future Oncol 2014; 10(16), 2643-2657 Tanriverdi O, Yavuzsen T, Akman T, Senler FC, Taskoylu BY, Turhal NS, Komurcu S, Cehreli R, Yaren A, Ozyilkan JCED: Your manuscript entitled The perspective of non-oncologistphysicians on patients with metastatic cancer and palliative care (ALONEStudy): a study of the Palliative Care Working Committee of the Turkish Oncology Group (TOG). J Cancer Educ. 2015 Jun;30(2):253-9. doi: 10.1007/s13187-015-0794-3. PMID: 25631655 [PubMed - in process] Dede F, Civen H, Dane F, Aliustaoglu M, Turhal NS, Turoglu HT, İnanir S. Carbon-14 urea breath test: does it work in patients with partial gastric resection? Ann Nucl Med. 2015 Nov;29(9):786-91. doi: 10.1007/s12149-015-1005-3. Epub 2015 Jul 18. PMID: 26187581 [PubMed - in process] Ozturk MA, Dane F, Karagoz S, Tural D, Selcukbiricik F, Demirelli F, Buyukunal E, Ozguroglu M, Turna H, Erdamar S, Celikel CA, Bozkurtlar EB, Yumuk PF, Mandel NM, Turhal NS, Serdengecti S. Is perineural invasion (PN) a determinant of disease free survival in early stage colorectal cancer? Hepatogastroenterology. 2015 Jan-Feb;62(137):59-64. PMID: 25911868 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Ozturk MA, Dane F, Karagoz S, Tural D, Selcukbiricik F, Demirelli F, Buyukunal E, Ozguroglu M, Turna H, Erdamar S, Celikel CA, Bozkurtlar EB, Yumuk PF, Mandel NM, Turhal NS, Serdengecti S. Epidemiology of colorectal cancer in Turkey: A cross-sectional disease registry study (A Turkish Oncology Group trial). Turk J Gastroenterol. 2015 Mar;26(2):145-53. doi: 10.5152/tjg.2015.5685. PubMed PMID: 25835113
Prof. Dr. Serdar Turhal, lisans öncesi öğrenimlerinin ardından İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi'nde başladığı tıp eğitimini başarıyla tamamlayarak tıp doktoru unvanı almıştır. İhtisasını ise, Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde Connecticut eyaletindeki Yale Üniversitesi’ne bağlı Griffin Hastanesi’nde 1993 yılında tamamlayarak Dahiliye - İç Hastalıkları uzmanı olmuştur. Ayrıca Mount Sinai Tıp Fakültesi Hematoloji – Onkoloji Bilim
Dalı Mount Sinai Tıp Fakültesi, New York, New York, ABD'de Tıbbi Onkoloji üzerine yan dal ihtisas eğitimini de tamamlamıştır.
Marmara Üniversite Hastanesi Onkoloji Bilim Dalı'nda öğretim üyesi olarak görev yapmış olan Prof. Dr. Serdar Turhal, mesleki çalışmalarına şu an İstanbul'da bulunan özel muayenehanesi'nde devam etmektedir.
Hizmete Başlangıç: 01.1990
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Prof. Dr. Serdar Turhal Tıbbi Onkoloji, Dahiliye - İç Hastalıkları uzmanıdır. Mesane Kanseri, Karaciğer Kanseri (Karaciğer Tümörü), Safra Kesesi Kanseri alanlarında hizmet veriyor ve Yetişkin kanser ve tedavisi (kemoterapi, immoterapi ve hedefe yönelik tedaviler), Radyonükleer kemik taraması, Radyasyon tedavisi hastalıkların uzmanlık alanında hizmet veriyor.
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